The information related to the RPSC Senior Teacher Previous Papers are available in this article. So, the applicants need to refer this page to download the Rajasthan Public Service Commission Senior Teacher Model Papers. Moreover, we have provided the RPSC Senior Teacher Exam Pattern and RPSC Senior Teacher Selection Process in the below sections. Hence, the competitors need to view the full page to get an overview of the RPSC Senior Teacher Previous Papers. In addition to this, we have arranged the Subject-Wise RPSC Senior Teacher Sample Papers PDF at the bottom of this post. So the candidates can quickly get the RPSC Senior Teacher Previous Papers from this article.
RPSC Senior Teacher Previous Papers
So, the applicants who are willing to submit their application forms need to start their preparation for the test. Therefore, for the sake of aspirants, we have provided the RPSC Senior Teacher Previous Papers on this page. Hence, aspirants need to start preparing for the exam without any delay. Moreover, aspirants need to refer to all the sections provided on this page to get more clarification about the Rajasthan PSC Senior Teacher Model Papers. In addition to this, we have arranged more information in the below table. So, candidates can take a glance at the table which is provided in the below section.
Rajasthan PSC Senior Teacher Sample Papers – Overview
Name Of The Organization | Rajasthan Public Service Commission |
Name Of The Post(s) | Senior Teacher Vacancies |
Category | Previous Question Papers |
Official Website | rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in |
You Can Also Check: ★ RPSC Senior Teacher Syllabus
Rajasthan Public Service Commission Senior Teacher Model Papers
The aspirants need to download the RPSC Senior Teacher Previous Papers and start preparing for the test as soon as possible. Furthermore, candidates need to develop a timetable for their preparation. Based on the prepared timetable contenders need to complete their preparation. Moreover, RPSC Senior Teacher Sample Papers help a lot of the applicants at the time of preparation. Therefore, we have arranged all the subject’s RPSC Senior Teacher Old Papers in this article for the sake of applicants. Candidates who are searching for the RPSC Senior Teacher Previous Papers on the different sites can refer to this article.
Without wasting their valuable time, applicants need to start their preparation for the exam. So, before starting their preparation aspirants need to gather the RPSC Senior Teacher Previous Papers. Hence, it is easy for the candidates to prepare for the test based on the provided RPSC Senior Teacher Old Papers. The competitors who prepared well for the exam can only score excellent results. Therefore, the contenders who are willing to score the minimum qualifying marks in the exam need to prepare well for the examination. Moreover, aspirants need to practice all the provided RPSC Senior Teacher Sample Papers in this article.
RPSC Senior Teacher Exam Pattern
Paper I:
The question paper will carry 200 marks. And, the Duration of the question paper will be 2 hours. The exam consists of 100 questions of multiple choices. The paper shall include the following subjects:
- Geographical, Historical, Cultural, and General Knowledge of Rajasthan: 80 marks
- Current Affairs of Rajasthan: 20 marks
- General knowledge of the world and India: 60 marks
- Educational Psychology: 40 marks
Paper II:
The question paper will carry 300 marks. Moreover, the duration of the question paper will be 2 hours 30 minutes. The question paper includes 150 multiple-choice questions of multiple choices.
- Knowledge of Praveshika and Varistha Upadhyaya standards about the relevant subject matter: 180 marks
- Knowledge of Shastri standard about the related subject matter: 80 marks
- Teaching Methods of the relevant subject: 40 marks
Other Than Sanskrit:
- Knowledge of secondary and senior secondary standards about the relevant subject matter: 180 marks
- Knowledge of graduate standards about the related subject matter: 80 marks
- Teaching Methods of the relevant subject: 40 marks
RPSC Senior Teacher Selection Process
The aspirants who applied for the RPSC Senior Teacher Recruitment need to participate in the written test. And, the information from the official notification of RPSC the written exam is only the selection process for the applied candidates.
RPSC Senior Teacher Previous Papers
And, we have also uploaded the PDF for the RPSC Senior Teacher Syllabus on our site. So, candidates can visit our website and get the details of the syllabus. Hence, based on the RPSC Senior Teacher Previous Papers and Syllabus aspirants need to start their preparation. Furthermore, candidates need to waste their time for searching more papers on various sites. Moreover, we have also provided all the papers for the Senior Teacher positions. In addition to this, applicants need to know about the negative marking of the examination before participating in the test.
Competitors need to start their preparation after downloading the RPSC Senior Teacher Previous Papers. And, the provided papers contain different questions. Therefore, aspirants need to practice all the given RPSC Senior Teacher Sample Papers. So, contenders can know all the types of questions by practicing all the papers. Then it is easy for the aspirants to answer all the questions in the examination. Moreover, candidates need to complete their tests within the allocated time. Hence, the applicants need to manage their time during the exam.
Download RPSC Senior Teacher Old Papers PDF
Candidates can get the RPSC Senior Teacher Previous Papers from this section. So, aspirants need to download and start their preparation without any delay.
Download RPSC Senior Teacher Previous Papers: Click Here
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