Wipro Interview Questions (Technical, HR) for Freshers PDF Download: Greetings to the candidates! Here we have come before you to help you out by making you known of the Wipro Interview Questions for Freshers. By referring to this article, you would know the Wipro Selection Process and in addition to that, we have mentioned the Wipro Interview Questions And Answers that will be asked. We suggest you to make use of the whole of this article, to know the Wipro Technical Interview Questions and the Wipro HR Interview Questions asked for Freshers. Moreover, for the candidates’ sake, at the end of this article, we have attached the Wipro Interview Questions And Answers PDF link. Hence, if you find this article useful, make sure that you have bookmarked (Ctrl+D) this page to get more latest updates.
Wipro Interview Questions – Overview
Name Of The Company | Wipro |
Qualification | Any Graduate/ Post Graduate |
Job Role | Multiple |
Job Location | Across India |
Experience | Freshers |
Category | Interview Questions & Answers |
Website | www.wipro.com |
Wipro Selection Process
In order to get selected for the desired position in Wipro company, candidates would need to go through a few rounds of selections. This process is followed by the company in a strategic way to know the potential of the candidate and to place him/ her in a suitable job role. A right selection of a candidate will in turn help for the productivity of the company, whereas, the wrong selection leads to loss for the company. Turn your eyes to the below part of this section and know the Wipro Recruitment Process.
- Online Test
- Technical Interview
- HR Interview
Wipro Online Test Pattern
Wipro Online Test/ Assessment is the preliminary stage of selection, wherein here many of the candidates will be assessed and will be eliminated if they fail to get through this round. However, the Wipro Online Test includes various sections like Quantitative Aptitude, Logical Reasoning, Verbal Ability, Coding, and Essay Writing. The duration of the Wipro Online Assessment is 128 minutes. And the good part of this section is, there is no negative marking for wrong answers.
Name of the Section | Number of Questions | Duration of Time |
Quantitative Aptitude | 16 | 48 Minutes |
Logical Reasoning | 14 | |
Verbal Ability | 22 | |
Coding | 2 | 60 Minutes |
Essay Writing | 1 | 20 Minutes |
Wipro Technical Interview Round
Candidates who have got through the Wipro Online Assessment will be forwarded to the Wipro Technical Round. This is a face-to-face interview. In this round, the questions which are related to the technical field will be asked. Questions related to the role, knowledge with respect to the technical activities of the company, etc., will be asked in this round. The number of technical rounds which are to be conducted will be based on the candidates’ performance in online assessment, job profile, and the requirements of the company.
Here, for the candidates’ sake, we have arranged the few questions that will be asked in Wipro Technical Interview Round.
Wipro Technical Interview Questions for Freshers
Make use of this section and grab the Wipro Technical Interview Questions And Answers which would help you in the preparation for Wipro Technical Interview Round. While digging into this section, you will find the Wipro Technical Interview Questions for the topics like C, C++, OOPs, JAVA, DBMS, CN, and OS.
Wipro Technical Interview C, C++/ OOPs Questions
- What are the differences between an object-oriented programming language and an object-based programming language?
A. The main difference between an object-oriented programming language and an object-based programming language is.
- Object-oriented languages adhere to all Object Oriented Programming concepts, but object-based languages do not adhere to all Object Oriented Programming concepts such as inheritance, polymorphism, Abstraction, Encapsulation
- Object-oriented languages lack built-in objects, but object-based languages do. For example, JavaScript contains a built-in window object
- Examples of object-oriented programming languages: Java, C#, Smalltalk, and others
- Examples of object-based languages: JavaScript, VBScript, and others
2. What do you mean by Stack Unwinding in C++?
A. Stack Unwinding is the process of eliminating function entries from the function call stack at runtime. Exception Handling is often associated with Stack Unwinding. When an exception occurs in C++, the function call stack is searched linearly for the exception handler, and any entries before the function with the exception handler are deleted from the function call stack. If the exception is not handled in the same code, stack unwinding is required (where it is thrown).
3. What is meant by Structured Programming?
A. Structured Programming refers to the method of programming which consists of a completely structured control flow. Here structure refers to a block, which contains a set of rules, and has a definitive control flow, such as (if/then/else), (while and for), block structures, and subroutines. Nearly all programming paradigms include Structured programming, including the OOPs model.
4. What is Polymorphism?
A. Polymorphism is composed of two words – “poly” which means “many”, and “morph” which means “shapes”. Therefore Polymorphism refers to something that has many shapes. In OOPs, Polymorphism refers to the process by which some code, data, method, or object behaves differently under different circumstances or contexts. Compile-time polymorphism and Run time polymorphism are the two types of polymorphisms in OOPs languages.
5. What is a Constructor?
A. Constructors are special methods whose name is the same as the class name. The constructors serve the special purpose of initializing the objects.
For example, suppose there is a class with the name “MyClass”, then when you instantiate this class, you pass the syntax: MyClass myClassObject = new MyClass();
Now here, the method called after “new” keyword – MyClass(), is the constructor of this class. This will help to instantiate the member data and methods and assign them to the object myClassObject.
6. What are the types of constants in c?
A. C constants can be divided into two categories :
- Primary constants
- Secondary constants
7. What is a pointer?
A. Pointers are variables that store the address of another variable. That variable may be a scalar (including another pointer), or an aggregate (array or structure). The pointed-to object may be part of a larger object, such as a field of a structure or an element in an array.
8. What is the purpose of the main() function?
A. The function main() invokes other functions within it.It is the first function to be called when the program starts execution.
- It is the starting function
- Recursive call is allowed for main( ) also
- It returns an int value to the environment that called the program
- It is a user-defined function
9. What is the difference between #include‹ › and #include “ ”?
A. #include‹ › —-> Specifically used for built-in header files.
#include “ ” —-> Specifically used for user-defined/ created in header file.
10. What is recursion?
A recursion function is one that calls itself either directly or indirectly it must halt at a definite point to avoid infinite recursion.
Wipro Technical Interview JAVA Questions
- How are Observer and Observable used?
A. Objects that subclass the Observable class maintain a list of observers. When an Observable object is updated it invokes the update() method of each of its observers to notify the observers that it has changed state. The Observer interface is implemented by objects that observe Observable objects.
2. What 1s the difference between the >> and >>> Operators?
A. The >> operator carries the sign bit when shifting right. The >>> zero-fills bits that have been shifted out.
- How many bits are used to represent Unicode, Ascii, Utf-16, And Utf-8 Characters?
A. Unicode requires 16 bits and ASCII requires 7 bits. Although the ASCII character set uses only 7 bits, it is usually represented as 8 bits. UTF-8 represents characters using 8, 16, and 18-bit patterns. UTF-16 uses 16-bit and larger bit patterns.
4. Why do threads block on I/o?
A. Threads block on i/o (that is enters the waiting state) so that other threads may execute while the i/o Operation is performed.
5. What is the preferred size of a component?
A. The preferred size of a component is the minimum component size that will allow the component to display normally.
6. What is the difference between Yielding and Sleeping?
A. When a task invokes its yield() method, it returns to the ready state. When a task invokes its sleep() method, it returns to the waiting state.
7. What is the difference between Preemptive Scheduling and Time Slicing?
A. Under preemptive scheduling, the highest priority task executes until it enters the waiting or dead states or a higher priority task comes into existence. Under time slicing, a task executes for a predefined slice of time and then reenters the pool of ready tasks. The scheduler then determines which task should execute next, based on priority and other factors.
8. What is a Transient Variable?
A. A transient variable is a variable that may not be serialized.
9. Can an anonymous class be declared as Implementing An Interface and Extending A Class?
A. An anonymous class may implement an interface or extend a superclass, but may not be declared to do both.
10. What is Clipping?
A. Clipping is the process of confining paint operations to a limited area or shape.
Wipro Technical Interview DBMS Questions
- What are the pros and cons of indexing in DBMS?
A. Indexing is a technique for improving the database performance by reducing the number of disc accesses needed when a query is run. It’s a data structure strategy for finding and accessing data in a database rapidly.
The following are some of the pros of indexes:
- The index ensures that each record in the database is uniquely identified
- An index allows data to be retrieved quickly
- When an index is used in a query, the performance usually improves dramatically
- They’re good for sorting. It is possible to eliminate the need for a post-fetch-sort procedure
The cons of indexing are:
- Inserts, updates, and deletes are all slowed down by indexes
- Indexes take up a lot of space (this increases with the number of fields used and the length of the fields)
2. What are the advantages of DBMS?
A. Advantages of DBMS are:
- Redundancy control
- Enforces integrity constraints
- Ensure data consistency
- Easy accessibility
- Restriction for unauthorized access
- Provides multiple user interfaces
- Provides backup and recovery
- Easy data extraction and data processing due to the use of queries
3. What are the unary operations in Relational Algebra?
A. PROJECTION and SELECTION are the unary operations in relational algebra. Unary operations are those operations that use single operands. Unary operations are SELECTION, PROJECTION, and RENAME. As in SELECTION relational operators are used for example – =,<=,>=, etc.
4. What is RDBMS?
A. RDBMS stands for Relational Database Management Systems. It is used to maintain the data records and indices in tables. RDBMS is the form of DBMS which uses the structure to identify and access data concerning the other piece of data in the database. RDBMS is the system that enables you to perform different operations such as- update, insert, delete, manipulating, and administer a relational database with minimal difficulties. Most of the time RDBMS uses SQL language because it is easily understandable and is used often.
5. How many types of database languages are?
A. There are four types of database languages:
- Data Definition Language (DDL): e.g., CREATE, ALTER, DROP, TRUNCATE, RENAME, etc. All these commands are used for updating the data that’s why they are known as Data Definition Language
- Data Manipulation Language (DML): e.g., SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE, etc. These commands are used for the manipulation of already updated data that’s why they are the part of Data Manipulation Language
- DATA Control Language (DCL): e.g., GRANT and REVOKE. These commands are used for giving and removing the user access on the database. So, they are the part of Data Control Language
- Transaction Control Language (TCL): e.g., COMMIT, ROLLBACK, and SAVEPOINT. These are the commands used for managing transactions in the database. TCL is used for managing the changes made by DML
- Database language implies the queries that are used for the update, modify and manipulate the data.
Wipro Technical Interview Computer Networks Questions
- What do you mean by network topology?
A. Network topology specifies the layout of a computer network. It shows how devices and cables are connected to each other. The types of topologies are:
- Bus: Bus topology is a network topology in which all the nodes are connected to a single cable known as a central cable or bus
- Star: Star topology is a network topology in which all the nodes are connected to a single device known as a central device
- Ring: Ring topology is a network topology in which nodes are exactly connected to two or more nodes and thus, forming a single continuous path for the transmission
- Mesh: Mesh topology is a network topology in which all the nodes are individually connected to other nodes
- Tree: Tree topology is a combination of star and bus topology. It is also known as the expanded star topology
- Hybrid: A hybrid topology is a combination of different topologies to form a resulting topology.
2. What are the advantages of Distributed Processing?
A. The advantages of distributed processing are:
- Secure
- Support Encapsulation
- Faster Problem solving
- Security through redundancy
- Distributed database
- Collaborative Processing
3. What is the criteria to check the network reliability?
A. Network reliability: Network reliability means the ability of the network to carry out the desired operation through a network such as communication through a network.
Network reliability plays a significant role in network functionality. The network monitoring systems and devices are the essential requirements for making the network reliable.The network monitoring system identifies the problems that are occurred in the network while the network devices ensure that data should reach the appropriate destination.
The reliability of a network can be measured by the following factors:
- Downtime: The downtime is defined as the required time to recover.
- Failure Frequency: It is the frequency when it fails to work the way it is intended.
- Catastrophe: It indicates that the network has been attacked by some unexpected event such as fire, earthquake.
4. What are the different factors that affect the performance of a network?
A. The following factors affect the performance of a network:
- Hardware
- Software
- Large number of users
- Transmission medium types
5. What makes a network effective and efficient?
A. There are mainly two criteria that make a network effective and efficient:
- Performance: Performance can be measured in many ways like transmit time and response time.
- Reliability: reliability is measured by the frequency of failure.
- Robustness: robustness specifies the quality or condition of being strong and in good condition.
- Security: It specifies how to protect data from unauthorized access and viruses.
Wipro Technical Interview Operating Systems Questions
1. What are the functionalities of an operating system?
A. Some of the Major functionalities of the Operating System are:
- Perform some basic tasks, i.e., managing the peripheral devices
- The ability to boot the computer is part of an operating system
- The operating system shares the Computer’s memory and sharing of the central processing unit time by various applications and peripheral devices
- It provides file management which refers to the way that the operating system stores, retrieves, manipulates, and saves data
- An operating system provides a user interface, i.e., a graphical user interface and command line
2. What are the different types of OS?
A. Different types of OS are:
- Batched OS (Example: Payroll System, Transactions Process, etc.)
- Multi-Programmed OS (Example: Windows O/S, UNIX O/S, etc.)
- Distributed OS (LOCUS, etc.)
- Timesharing OS (Example: Multics, etc.)
- Real-Time OS (PSOS, VRTX, etc.)
3. What is GUI?
A. GUI (Graphical User Interface) is basically a type of user interface that allows users to use graphics to interact with OS. GUI is created because it is more user-friendly, less complex, and easier to understand rather than a command-line interface. Its main goal is to increase efficiency and ease of use. Instead of having to memorize commands, users can just click on a button to simply execute the procedure. Examples of GUI include Microsoft Windows, macOS, Apple’s iOS, etc.
4. Explain demand paging?
A. Demand paging is a method that loads pages into memory on demand. This method is mostly used in virtual memory. In this, a page is only brought into memory when a location on that particular page is referenced during execution. The following steps are generally followed:
- Attempt to access the page
- If the page is valid (in memory) then continue processing instructions as normal.
- If a page is invalid then a page-fault trap occurs
- Check if the memory reference is a valid reference to a location on secondary memory. If not, the process is terminated (illegal memory access). Otherwise, we have to page in the required page
- Schedule disk operation to read the desired page into the main memory
- Restart the instruction that was interrupted by the operating system trap
5. What is different between main memory and secondary memory?
A. Main memory: Main memory in a computer is RAM (Random Access Memory). It is also known as primary memory or read-write memory or internal memory. The programs and data that the CPU requires during the execution of a program are stored in this memory.
Secondary memory: Secondary memory in a computer are storage devices that can store data and programs. It is also known as external memory or additional memory or backup memory or auxiliary memory. Such storage devices are capable of storing high-volume data. Storage devices can be hard drives, USB flash drives, CDs, etc.
Main Memory | Secondary Memory |
It can be both volatile and non-volatile in nature. | It is non-volatile in nature. |
It is more costly than secondary memory. | It is more cost-effective or less costly than primary memory. |
Data can be directly accessed by the processing unit. | Firstly, data is transferred to primary memory and then routed to the processing unit. |
In this memory, data can be lost whenever there is a power failure. | In this memory, data is stored permanently and therefore cannot be lost even in case of power failure. |
It is much faster than secondary memory and saves data that is currently used by the computer. | It is slower as compared to primary memory and saves different kinds of data in different formats. |
It is temporary because data is stored temporarily. | It is permanent because data is stored permanently. |
It can be accessed by data. | It can be accessed by I/O channels. |
Wipro HR Interview Round
It is common in every organization to conduct an HR Round, which helps the interviewer to know the inner capabilities of the interviewee. Candidates who have cleared the technical round will proceed to HR Round which is again face-to-face. However, in the Wipro HR Round, the candidate will be assessed based on his/ her strengths/ personality/ shortcomings, ability to handle the task, and the background will also be considered to determine whether the candidate can rightly fit for the position or not.
Before appearing for the Wipro Final HR Round, it is important to examine all the particulars in the resume. Candidates must make sure that everything that is present in the resume is accurate or not. Be prepared beforehand, for the questions that would be asked based on your resume. Be sure and confident while answering the questions that have been asked.
Wipro HR Interview Questions for Freshers
Below are the common Wipro HR Interview Questions that will be asked in the Wipro HR Interview. We have provided Wipro HR Interview Questions And Answers in this section. Make use of the whole of this section, and get to know how to answer the HR Interview Questions that will be asked.
- Tell me about yourself?
This is the first and foremost common deceptive question that will be asked in any HR Interview. The question would be easy but the answer that you say plays a major role and acts as a foundation for the entire interview. While answering this question, the points that have to be in mind are, you must make sure that you cover your educational qualification, work experience, career objectives, achievements, and family background. If the interviewer is still expecting you to talk, then you can go with your likes, dislikes, what kind of a person you are, etc., Note that the further questions which are to be asked will be based on the answer you give to the first question.
2. Why do you want to work for our company?
When this question is asked make sure that you answer in favor of the company. While answering this question, you can talk about the policies of the company, suitable skills which you have that suit the company, your future with the company, employee retention, and the facilities that are provided to the employees.
3. What are your Strengths?
While talking about your strengths, make sure that those are more desired/ required for the wellness of the company. A few of the desired strengths that the employers seek in the employees are Intelligence, Honesty, Integrity, Good fit with corporate culture, Team Work, Likeability, positive attitude, Good communication skills, Dedication, Clear goals, Enthusiasm, and Confidence.
4. What is your greatest weakness?
Presonate your strength as a weakness. Interviewers may ask this question to make sure that you have the ambition to use your weaknesses as a chance to grow in your career. Some of the traits that they look at from your response are Self-awareness, Honesty, Emotional quotient, and Self-improvement.
5. Tell me about your internships and projects.
If you have done any internships or projects related to the job profile you have opted for, then talk about it. While talking about the projects, mention your role (team lead or not), and your contribution to the project. While talking about the internships, mention your job role, name of the company, and tell what you have learned out of it.
6. Are you willing to relocate to various parts of India?
The answer you say must be willing and must be a favor to the company. There may be chances of not getting the job if you say no to this question. Handle this question very carefully, whereas it demands the understanding of why this question is been asked. The interviewer would like to know whether you are flexible to work in different locations permanently if there is any chance that would come.
7. Why should we hire you?
This question is asked to determine whether you will fit for the company or not. Mention the skills that you have, which opt and suitable for the company. You can go like ‘I am a quick learner and you can get anything from me which would inturn help for the wellness of the organization, and I can admit the skills that I have acquired, from past experiences, and can bring value and growth to this esteemed organization.’
8. Where do you see yourself five years from now?
You should be able to coax the interviewer by telling that you will stay in the company for a longer period of time. You can say like ‘I want to be recognized staying in a good position in the same role after 5 years, and this is the opportunity that I had to excel and to see myself as I desired’. Your answer should impress the interviewer which will ack like a key to keep you in the company.
9. Do you have any questions for me?
Only if you have any questions to ask, then proceed with this. If you have no questions, just say no. Some of the questions that you can ask here are:
- What is the management style of your organization?
- Cam, you tell me about the culture of the company?
- What is the greatest challenge the company is facing?
- What are the goals of the company?
Wipro Interview Questions for Freshers PDF Download Link
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