Gather all the subject-wise Samagra Shiksha Chandigarh TGT Previous Papers PDF from the current article. Further, the officials of the Samagra Shiksha Chandigarh are ready to conduct the Trained Graduate Teacher examination. So, all the candidates should prepare well for the test with the help of the Samagra Shiksha Chandigarh TGT Model Question Papers.
Moreover, we have given the complete information about the Samagra Shiksha Chandigarh TGT Old Papers, and the SSC TGT Selection Process. To help you at any moment we have given the latest Samagra Shiksha Chandigarh Trained Graduate Teacher Exam Pattern. We have furnished this page with the direct links to download the Samagra Shiksha Chandigarh TGT Sample Papers PDF for free.
Samagra Shiksha Chandigarh TGT Previous Papers – Overview
समागम शिक्षा चंडीगढ़ Trained Graduate Teacher Model Papers | Exam Pattern | |
Name of the Organization | Samagra Shiksha Chandigarh |
Name of the Positions | Trained Graduate Teacher |
Category | Old Question Papers |
Selection Process | Written Test, Document Verification |
Job Location | Punjab, Haryana |
Official Website | samagra.mhrd.gov.in or chdeducation.gov.in |
Samagra Shiksha Chandigarh Selection Process – Trained Graduate Teacher
The Merit list for the Samagra Shiksha Chandigarh TGT Selection Process will be prepared based on the total marks obtained in the Objective Type Test. One objective type test of 150 Marks will be conducted. Qualifying marks for the test will be 40% for all candidates. No interview will be conducted.
- Written Test
- Document Verification
Marks obtained by the candidates in the written test will be uploaded on the website. The merit list prepared based on marks in written tests will be uploaded on the website and based on said merit; candidates will be called for scrutiny of the original document and checking of eligibility conditions. In case two or more candidates have having same marks in the written test then a candidate having higher marks in C-TET (Paper-II) will rank higher in the merit. In the first round, candidates to be called for scrutiny of original documents under each category will be 1.5 times (one and a half times) the number of posts under each category.
★ Samagra Shiksha Chandigarh TGT Syllabus ★
SSC Trained Graduate Teacher Exam Pattern
Candidates can refer to this section to get the latest Samagra Shiksha Chandigarh TGT Exam Pattern. Notifying the exam pattern will give you a complete overview of the question paper. There are a total of 150 questions and 150 marks for the test. Also, each question carries one mark. Furthermore, the test will be conducted only for 2 hours 30 Minutes. So, start preparing for the test with the table. This gives you the names of the subjects to be prepared for the test with the number of questions that appear.
Subject Names | No. Of Questions |
General Awareness and Reasoning | 15 questions |
Information Communication Technology and Teaching Aptitude | 15 questions |
Test of Hindi Languages and Comprehension | 15 questions |
Arithmetical and Numerical Ability | 15 questions |
Test of English Languages and Comprehension | 15 questions |
Questions relating to the specific subject (relating to the post) | 75 questions |
- Minimum qualifying marks will be 40%.
- Negative marking will be applicable and a deduction of 0.25 marks will be made for each wrong answer.
- The difficulty level of questions relating to subject-specific will be as per the essential qualification prescribed for the post.
- The examination questions will be bilingual (English & Hindi) except for the Language papers which will be in the concerned Language only. However, the paper will be set in English and Punjabi language also for those candidates who will submit their option for Punjabi medium at the time of filling up of Online Application Form.
Download Links – Samagra Shiksha Chandigarh TGT Model Papers PDF
Samagra Shiksha Chandigarh TGT Previous Papers PDF Download: Reasoning
Download SSC Trained Graduate Teacher Solved Test Papers PDF: Teacher Aptitude
समागम शिक्षा चंडीगढ़ Trained Graduate Teacher Sample Question Papers PDF: General Awareness
samagra.mhrd.gov.in or chdeducation.gov.in TGT Last Year Question Papers PDF: Numerical Ability
Download SSC Trained Graduate Teacher Old Question Papers PDF: English
समागम शिक्षा चंडीगढ़ Trained Graduate Teacher Model Question Papers PDF: Hindi
samagra.mhrd.gov.in or chdeducation.gov.in TGT Sample Papers PDF Download: Information Communication Technology
Soon after referring to this page, we hope that you all will download the given Samagra Shiksha Chandigarh TGT Previous Papers PDF from the above links. So, check our Freshersnow page to get all the latest information.